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The Ziel Engenharia company is composed of professionals with training in the best educational institutions in Brazil and abroad, acting in different engineering fields such as electrical, mechanical, safety and environmental engineering. All professionals are experts on the Brazilian Regulations for each of the engineering fields.


The professionals are the greatest asset of the company and the guarantee of success of the company’s enterprises.

DUE DILIGENCE - Regulatory norms regarding safety

rules and occupational medicine requirements in Brazil


Due diligence process often covers financial, business, operating and legal issues to determine whether or not to make an offer for a company.


It is an investigative process the prospective buyer and its advisors will engage in. The Ziel Engineering offers a technical assessment to the Due Diligence stage regarding the regulatory norms (Normas Regulamentadoras) issued by the Ministry of Labor (Ministério do Trabalho) in Brazil.


These standards form a set of safety rules and occupational medicine requirements which companies must follow. If these rules and requirements are not followed, considerable fines and bans are expected that may impact the evaluation of a company.

OUTSOURCING - Assessment to regulatory requirements for exportation of machines and equipment to Brazil


The machinery and equipments exported to Brazil must comply with the Regulatory Norm

nº 12 - Safety in the Work in Machinery and Equipment (Norma Regulamentadora

nº 12 - Segurança no Trabalho em Máquinas e Equipamentos).


All machines imported in Brazil are subject to inspection by official Brazilian inspectors due to the prohibition of importation of machines that are not complying with the Regulatory Norm nº 12.

The Ziel Engenharia engineering team can analyze in advance the machine or the equipment to check if it is within the Brazilian regulatory needs. In order to provide the correct documentation that proves that the machine or the equipment is complying with all the directives in the Regulatory Norm nº 12.

If a compliance gap to the Regulatory Norm nº 12 is identified, the engineering team also offers assessment in order to adapt the machine or the equipment to the regulatory needs required in Brazil.

Fill the form below to

request for more information

or to schedule a meeting!

Thank you! We will be in touch soon


Porto Alegre 

Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 685, sala 1004,

Porto Alegre – RS 90035-005

São Paulo

Av. Paulista, 1471, conj 1110,
Jd Paulista - São Paulo - SP


Av. Pres. Getúlio Vargas - Água Verde, Curitiba - PR


Rua Bocaiuva
Centro de Florianópolis - SC

São Luís

Av. Jerônimo de Albuquerque.

São Luís/MA


Rua Buenos Ayres, Espinheiro - Recife - PE

Caxias do Sul

Av. Itália, Caxias do Sul - RS


Rua General Argolo, Pelotas - RS

Passo Fundo

Rua Morom, - Passo
Fundo - RS

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